Tag Archives: tardis

Dr Who Return of the…

Amy Pond followed The Doctor into the TARDIS. The door slowly closed itself behind them and Amy jumped at the sudden noise. She spun around to look at the door in case something had followed them in. There was nothing there. Amy’s skin crawled with the sensation of invisible bugs. “Well that was a disgusting world. I don’t want to be going back there any time soon.”

“Yes, well I guess you can say that a species that eats faecal matter is a bit disgusting.” The Doctor strolled over to the main console of the TARDIS and started flipping switches and pulling levers. “Where to next? How about Cheem to visit super intelligent trees? Or better yet, Florana, one of the universe’s most beautiful planets. The land is carpeted with an array of perfumed flowers, with seas of warm milk and sand as soft as fluffy sheep made of clouds.” The Doctor was looking at Amy with glee and anticipation in his eyes.

“Florana sounds immensely better than the planet we just visited. Let’s go there.” Amy quickly shot her hands out to grab the metal bar surrounding the main console and held on as tight as she could. Trips in the TARDIS were always bumpy. Amy wasn’t sure whether that was just the way the TARDIS was or it was the way The Doctor flew her.

The TARDIS moaned and groaned with the familiar sound of take off. The Doctor began to frown and in turn the TARDIS slowed down to a faint hum and then stopped. Amy let go of the metal bar and walked over to where The Doctor was standing. “Well that was anti-climactic. What’s the matter? Did we run out of gas?” Amy giggled at her own amusement.

“No, something is wrong.” The Doctor was still frowning as he yanked at a few more levers and pulled a computer screen down towards him. In big red letters on the screen it read – HELP!

Amy pulled the screen over towards herself, curious as to why The Doctor looked distressed. “Help… But who could that be from?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe if I can adjust the bi-lateral re-lay field and send out a signal of our own, I might just be able to trace the message back to its origin.”

“Okay, sure do that.” Amy replied not understanding a word The Doctor just said.

The Doctor crawled underneath the console and started tinkering around. “Can you get me my toolbox Amy? I think I left it in the secondary console room. You know the one next to the library.” The sound of his sonic screwdriver was already at work.

“Second console room? I don’t know where that is, but I do know where the library is.” Amy spun around on her feet and headed down the corridor and towards the library. It was still amazing to Amy Pond how enormous it was inside the little blue box. It was so big that she hadn’t even gotten a chance to explore everywhere. Amy hoped that she would be with The Doctor for a while yet and there would more opportunities to find out more about the TARDIS. At least she knew where the library was. Amy reached the library after turning down a few more corridors and looked to the door beside it. “Ah ha.. This must be the second console room,” she spoke out loud to no one in particular. Amy entered the secondary console room to find that it looked exactly like the first one at the entrance of the TARDIS. Amy wasn’t surprised, after-all time lords (well the only one she had met) seemed to have a back-up plan for their back-up plans. So why not a back-up room? Amy spotted the little red tool box sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. She started towards the box to pick it up, but mid-stride she froze, flabbergasted by the fact the box moved away from her. The sensation of invisible bugs crawling on her skin returned.

“Who’s there?” she shouted, taking a few steps back. No one replied. Amy waited a few minutes to see if anything else would happen, but nothing did. She thought about what had happened and decided it must be her mind playing tricks on her. ‘Too much time travelling,’ she thought. Shaking herself free of the invisible sensation of bugs, she picked up the toolbox and went back to The Doctor.




Posted by on June 29, 2013 in Short Story


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